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On June 19th, we held the 1st International petMaxi colloquium, which was attended by the Secretary of State for the Valorization of the Interior, Dr. João Paulo Catarino; the Mayor of Ferreira do Zêzere, Dr. Jacinto Manuel Lopes Cristas Flores; the President of the Parish Council of Águas Belas, Mr. Sérgio Manuel Roberto Morgado; the Deputy Director-General of Food and Veterinary, Dra. Graça Mariano; the Head of the Animal Feed Division, Dr. José Manuel Costa, and Eng.ª Tatiana Saldanha, representing the Regional Directorate of Agriculture and Fisheries of Lisbon and Vale do Tejo.
Also present were associations such as Agrocluster, IACA, and Vasco da Gama University School.
The remaining guests, totaling 120 people, were national and international clients, mainly veterinary clinics and pet shops of petMaxi and its partner Genyen, the national distributor of the brands happyOne mediterraneum and happyOne premium.
The colloquium program included 6 presentations, including topics such as "Concept of modern design in pet food" and "Obesity in cats, nutritional strategies" by Dr. John Lowe, a nutritionist consultant and Professor at the University of Nottingham.
The event concluded with a visit to the new investments in the factory, including the new warehouses and the 2nd packaging line, with a total investment of around 1 million euros.
In the near future, the new production line will be operational with an additional investment of about 4 million euros, which will double the production capacity.
"The factory was limited, able to produce more than it could package. This investment allows us to bring 1500 tons of new products to the market."
Luis Guilherme, Administrator
"The main message I bring to you is a message of gratitude and recognition for the investment that is here today and for the employment it generates for this territory. It is a great example of how a municipality, an investor, an innovation, good employees, and good collaborators can create the best of what the country and the world have to offer from Ferreira do Zêzere, which should make us all proud."
Dr. João Paulo Catarino, Secretary of State for the Valorization of the Interior