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We share one of the numerous comments we have received from all over the country, congratulating us on our entry into the market.
Thank you Vanessa and all of you, Portuguese, who support us in this difficult journey.
Dear Sirs,
I have (with love and devotion) 2 feline children and have had a lot of difficulty finding a food that does not cause them gastrointestinal problems and that they do not reject. I have bought from the cheapest to the most expensive, from well-known brands to store brands. In January, there was a promotion for your Maxipet Happy One food at Pingo Doce, and I was pleased to see that it was a National Product, mostly made up of cereals! I did not hesitate to buy it, and to my surprise, my cat did not vomit! Congratulations on having the courage to establish yourselves in a market dominated by financial lobbies, with a product produced and packaged in Portugal! I ask you to please let me know where I can quickly purchase your product because it has not appeared again at P.D. I am writing to you from Chiado, Lisbon.
I look forward to your response. Thank you.