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The measure approved by Parliament was published on Thursday, December 28, in the Official Gazette and is valid until December 31, 2024.
Animal protection associations will benefit from VAT exemption on the direct purchase of pet food during the year 2024, according to the decree published on December 28, 2023, in the Official Gazette.
Thus, between January 1 and December 31, 2024, zoophilic associations will be completely exempt from the tax, whereas in 2023 they paid a 23% VAT on the acquisition of pet food.
"Transmissions of all dry or wet products intended for the feeding of companion animals when hosted by legally constituted animal protection associations are exempt from VAT," according to the decree that amends Law No. 10-A/2022, of April 28, which approved exceptional and temporary measures in response to the increase in fuel prices.
This amendment also determines that companies selling feed to animal associations with zero VAT can deduct the tax. "The operations [...] entitle the right to deduct the tax that has been levied on goods or services acquired, imported, or used by the taxpayer for its realization," according to the same legal text.